/BCO-DMO/Mechanisms_Bivalve_Response/OA_feeding_phys --species eq Mytilus_californianus,treatment eq Mhd-- Level 2

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# Feeding physiology of M. californianus larvae in OA conditions
# PI: George Waldbusser (Oregon State University)
# Co-PIs: Chris Langdon, Burke Hales, & Brian Haley (Oregon State University)
# Version: 16 November 2016
treatment   pCO2_category  aragonite_sat_category  
Mhd         Med-High       High                    
replicate  n_evaluated  pCO2     aragonite_sat  pH      pcnt_feeding_init  pcnt_feeding_init_mean  red_beads_mean  yellow_beads_mean  gut_fullness  gut_fullness_mean  size_est  ingest_rate_hrly  ingest_rate_hrly_mean  size_std_ingestion_rates  size_std_gut_fullness  
1          29           767.64   4.691          8.05    0.571              0.513                   10.310          10.828             21.138        13.793             111.887   123.724           123.161                0.939                     0.123                  
2          25           767.64   4.691          8.05    0.423              0.513                   4.480           7.360              11.840        13.793             111.887   53.760            123.161                0.939                     0.123                  
3          30           767.64   4.691          8.05    0.545              0.513                   1.000           7.400              8.400         13.793             111.887   12.000            123.161                0.939                     0.123